An Antiquated Bluff

In the early fall of 2021, I was fortunate to be a part of the 10th annual Denver does Denver fest. The idea behind the concert is for Denver artists to cover other local bands to show the amazing talent of both current and former groups. As I have loudly said to anyone that will listen, I believe Red Cloud West was the finest band to ever come out of Denver, so I put together a 3 song set of my favorite songs.
As I started learning the material, I realized that I just couldn't do it justice by myself, so I reached out to longtime friend Danny McCarthy of The Animal Steele(among many amazing bands) to play drums and my Teacup Gorilla collaborator, Miriam Suzanne to play bass. This is a recording of the final of the 3 songs, entitled "A Coming Storm."
"A Celebration of Life" is a song about depression and suicidal ideation. It takes it's perspective from the moment between life and death. The idea that the things that have hurt, aren't gonna hurt any longer, and that the fear you've felt will dissipate away.
This version was recorded at 7th Circle Music Collective in Denver Colorado in early 2018 and was filmed, recorded, and edited by my wonderful friends at 7th Circle Sessions.
*Please Note, suicidal ideation is a sad fact of life for many LGBTQIA+ folks throughout their lives and some folks see it as the only option. If you're having feelings of self harm, please contact someone like The Trevor Project
In 2019, my freinds in Zealot asked me to record a cover of their song "The Size of Cinema." They had asked several of their favorite local musicians to cover thier songs so they could compile a cassette to accompany the release of their newest record - The Book of Ramifications. I happily agreed and then took WAY too long getting a final version back to them. I played everything on this recording. Check out their full length, it's great.